Sunday, 23 March 2014

Health | Breast Cancer Awareness Part One - The difference a Selfie can make.

This last week, social media platforms have been taken over by #nomakeupselfies.

The point behind these self taken photographs was to raise awareness and subsequently money for Cancer research UK.

There have been people  who have expressed anger at them. 'We all know about cancer, no amount of selfies is going to raise more awareness' I read on one particular disgruntled woman's facebook profile. Another misery guts tweeted 'Stop taking photos of yourselves, you aren't curing cancer.' (I'm paraphrasing of course, but the sentiment is the same.)

So far the #nomakeupselfie has raised over £2million for Cancer Research UK.

That's £2million that would not have been raised without them.

In a way the grumps above were right,.The individual photographs of your facebook friends without any make up on alone did not make anyone more aware of cancer. We are all aware. Ii struggle to believe that anyone in this life has not been touched or affected by cancer in some way. But what those photographs did, was act as a prompt to get people talking about it, writing about it. To show current sufferers that each and every one of us is behind them in their fight. To encourage women, old and young to TLC. Touch, Look & Check. Something I plan to tell you about my own experiences in part two.

All of those people posting photographs prompted their friends, families, acquaintances and businesses to donate if they could. And look what a difference it has made!

Did you know that £2 alone could help find a cancer causing gene. £2 could be another step to finding the cause of cancer and nipping it in the bud before it takes any more victims.

That's 1 million enabled steps because of #nomakeupselfies.  And I think that's pretty amazing myself.

So here's my very own #nomakeupselfie.

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