Friday, 11 April 2014

My Dreams of a Beebies Home Office

Back in January, I wrote how me & the Mr were preparing to fly the nest.

We were so nearly there, each of us saving as much as we could each month to gather a deposit.

A generous offer to match our savings when we'd reached a certain amount came from a family member who appreciated how keen we were to move.

Right now though, it seems we couldn't be further away from having our own home if we tried.

My recent decision to leave my job and concentrate on the business means that right now, Mr is the only one with a guaranteed stable steady income. Our savings are being used to tide us over and invested into the business.

This doesn't stop me from dreaming though! Ideally, when we do move, we'll buy a three bedroom house.

A room for us, a room for a bump when the time is right, and a room for Beebies.

One of the things I am most looking forward to about having our own home is being able to have my own designated work space.

Somewhere I can sit and work effectively.

Somewhere to tidily store the stock I hold.

A place of organisation.

Somewhere unlike the spare room currently resembling a jumble sale of boxes, paper every where.

Somewhere you can actually get in the door!

Somewhere like this.


  1. I know how you feel. My husband and I are saving for a house and it's so difficult. Good luck! Thanks for linking up #binkylinky

  2. I also dream of organisation. I'm just hoping it is my current house that is the problem and not me! #binkylinky

  3. The thing is Ami, i know you're going to have that dream Beebies office one day because you are so determined and driven. Look how far you've come already.
    Thanks for linking up with #BinkyLinky
