Sunday, 13 April 2014

Wedding Day Dreaming

So, the Mr's brother gets married in September to his lovely fiancee.

It promises to be a quiet, intimate affair (though how that is possible with the size of their family, I've no idea!) set in an understated location near to where we live.

I love a good wedding! I'm the first to get my tissues out during the ceremony as the bride walks down the aisle, and well, when it gets to the speeches I blub.

For a woman, there is always something so magical about a wedding I think.

The Mr is an usher and went for his suit fitting last weekend. Trust him to be one of the only groom party to need full alterations to every element of his suit. Aside from this and the whole cream waistcoat, white shirt, grey jacket & pink tie debate that seems to be consuming every dinner, every discussion, every DAY, I'm actually getting quite excited.

I am looking forward to picking out a dress to wear. I love dressing up and making the most of a posh occasion and although I have got a million dresses at home which would most likely all be perfectly suitable, nothing quite beats that manic walk around the shops trying everything on in sight!

All of this wedding talk has got me day dreaming about how I would like my own wedding to be.

I think it will be quite different to theirs.

I have always dreamed of getting married, bare foot on a sandy beach somewhere warm, the gentle sea breeze blowing my hair.

Followed by a sit down meal and a party on the beach.

I have a tiny family compared to Mr's, and so for my own this whole idea works well for them. (Plus, it means a certain unwanted guest won't be able to just turn up.)

For his family though, the thought of us getting married abroad seems to fill their faces with horror.

The thought that great aunt Edna's second cousin twice removed might not be able to make it has caused a stir.

I feel I have got some work to do on twisting their arms. Though considering we aren't engaged yet, I think I've got some time!

Did you get married abroad or at home? I'd love to read your stories. 


  1. Sounds like a perfect wedding. We've been together 11 years, engaged for five, and still not got round to doing it!! Have it all mentally planned but we keep having kids instead ;)

    1. Doesn't it :) Though something tells me I'll end up getting married here. I have a UK back up plan if we can't go abroad, so its not too bad but ahh... the thought of being in the sunshine and having a paddle in the sea in my wedding dress just sounds perfect to me!

      Haha! Well once they're all here they can enjoy and be part of the day too! I love weddings where little ones are involved x

  2. oh sounds lovely , we planned soo many things but never actually done half of them but still had a lovely day x

  3. Such lovely ideas - the beach. My sisters getting married next year and its so nice to see plans and see how things can develop into such fantastic ideas. xx

  4. What a dreamy idea and so romantic too.
